How to uninstall PhoneValet
On your CD or in the downloaded disk image, there is a folder named Extras. There is an uninstaller there. Note, uninstalling is not recommended for troubleshooting.
If you do not wish to use the uninstaller and want to uninstall manually, please follow these directions. Note these instructions will remove your settings, logs, messages, and other data.
- Remove the PhoneValet application from the /Applications folder
- Remove the Parliant folder from /Library/Application Support/
- Remove PRLMacAPhone, PRLInterfaceKit, and PRLApplication Support from /Library/Frameworks
- Remove ParliantCTI.db from /Users/Shared/OpenBase/Databases
- Remove ParliantCTI.wrk from /Library/OpenBase/work (if it is there)
Removing OpenBase
The above steps will remove the Parliant applications from your hard disk. If you wish to remove OpenBase as well, the steps are below. Note that you may have other applications on your computer that use OpenBase. You should only remove it if you are certain there are not other applications that use OpenBase. If there were no other .db files in /Users/Shared/OpenBase/Databases, then it is likely that no other applications on your computer use OpenBase
- In /Library/Receipts remove any file with OpenBase in the name.
- In /Library/Frameworks remove any file with OpenBase in the name.
- In /Library remove the OpenBase folder
- In /Users/Shared remove the OpenBase folder
- In /Applications remove the OpenBase folder
- In /Library/PreferencePanes remove the OpenBasePreferences.prefPanefile
- In /Library/LaunchDaemons, remove the openbase.plist file
Note that until you restart, your Parliant applications and OpenBase are still running. Once you restart, they will not start again.
In MacOS X Lion, the Finder hides the Library folders by default. To navigate to the correct folder, choose "Go To Folder" from the Go menu and enter the folder path (e.g. /Library/Application Support )